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BIA Improves the Sanitary Facilities

October 19, 2016

To enhance sanitary facilities at BIA, refurbishment work of transit down lavatories was carried out and opened to the public on 19th October 2016. The estimated cost of this project was Rs. 13 million. The actual cost incurred for the project was Rs.8.7 million with a saving of Rs. 4.3 million to the AASL since the overall project work was completed by AASL skilled human resources.

Project accomplished by joining hand with several divisions of AASL - Civil Engineering (Maintenance), Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, IT, Architecture Landscaping and Interior Design, Finance and Supply Chain Management Divisions and this was executed as a team work of all the relevant staff within the divisions and the staff of other relevant Divisions.

This whole project was successful with the guidance, assistance and necessary approvals of the top management, where the work was carried out to the ‘International Standard’ and completed within seven month period while attending to the urgent maintenance works and operational requirements of BIA. The Management really values the commitment and team spirit of the staff involved to made this mission a success.

AASL is happy to make available this facility to passengers departing through BIA.

Photos by: AASL Media