A Ministerial Delegation Visited Jaffna International Airport (JIA)
June 18, 2022
A ministerial delegation visited Jaffna International Airport (JIA) on 18th June 2022 to explore the possibilities of resuming international flight operations to and from Jaffna. JIA was originally built by the Royal Air Force during World War II and later served as the country's second international airport before being taken over by the Sri Lanka Air Force. In 2019, the airport was handed over to Airport and Aviation Services Sri Lanka to facilitate domestic and international passenger movements. Alliance Air, a subsidiary of Air India, operated international flights between Chennai and Jaffna. However, the operations were halted due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Hon. Minister of Ports, Shipping & Aviation Hon. Nimal Siripala de Silva advised the senior officials to communicate with international airlines and make the necessary arrangements to resume international flight operations.
Hon. Minister of Fisheries Hon. Douglas Devananda, Hon. Angajan Ramanathan- Member of Parliament, Mr. K. D. S. Ruwanchandra- Secretary to the Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Aviation, MR. K.Mahesan - District Secretary/Government Agent Jaffna, Deputy High Commissioner of India to Sri Lanka in Jaffna, Major General (Retired) G A Chandrasiri – AASL, Capt. Themiya Abeywickrama – Director General of Civil Aviation and Chief Executive Officer of Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka, the Heads of Divisions and the senior officials of Airport and Aviation services, senior officials of other related institutions attended the meeting held at the Jaffna International Airport.