Airport Management
Mr. Aruna Rajapaksha
Head of Airport Management
Tel: 094 11 225 2020
Fax: 094 11 225 9435
Email: head.am@airport.lk
Mr. A M K S Amarapathy
Deputy Head of Airport Management
Tel: 094 11 226 3040
Fax: 094 11 225 9435
Email: dyham.am@airport.lk
Air Navigation Services
Mr. S C Disapathige
Head of Air Navigation Services
Tel: 094 11 225 2062
Fax: 094 11 225 2062
Email: head.ans@airport.lk
Architecture, Landscaping and Interior Design
Mr. Manoj De Croos Rubin
Head of Architecture, Landscaping and Interior Design
Tel: 094 11 225 3221
Fax: 094 11 225 3221
Email: head.alid@airport.lk
Mr. Sampath Jayasekera
Deputy Head of Architecture, Landscaping and Interior Design
Tel: 094 11 226 4425
Fax: 094 11 225 3221
Email: dephead.alid@airport.lk
Cargo and Air Freight Management
Mr. R W L B Medawewa
Head of Cargo and Air Freight Management
Tel: 094 11 226 4075
Email: head.cafm@airport.lk
Civil Aviation Training
Mr. G A K Nimalaratne
Head of Civil Aviation Training
Tel: 094 076 5900061
Fax: 094 11 263 4763
Email: head.catc@airport.lk
Civil Engineering (Maintenance)
Head of Civil Engineering (Maintenance)
Tel: 094 11 226 4700
Email: head.cem@airport.lk
Mr. T M N S Cooray
Deputy Head of Civil Engineering (Maintenance)
Tel: 094 11 226 4704
Email: dephead.cem@airport.lk
Civil Engineering (Planning & Designs)
Mrs. Renuka Weerasri
Head of Civil Engineering (Planning & Designs)
Tel: 094 11 225 2110
094 11 226 3500
Fax: 094 11 225 1356
Email: head.cepd@airport.lk
Commercial & Properties
Mr. D J U Purasinghe
Head of Commercial & Properties
Tel: 094 11 225 2744
094 11 226 4000
Fax: 094 11 225 1493
Email: head.cp@airport.lk
Ms. J L P Kumari
Deputy Head of Commercial & Properties
Tel: 094 11 226 4008
Fax: 094 11 225 1493
Email: lalani.cp@airport.lk
Electronics and Air Navigation Engineering
Eng. Jananath Konara Rathninda
Head of Electronics and Air Navigation Engineering
Tel: 094 11 226 3600
Email: head.eane@airport.lk
Mr.W M A S Bandara
Deputy Head of Electronics and Air Navigation Engineering
Tel: 094 11 226 3601
Email: dephead.eane@airport.lk
Electrical Engineering
Mr. Ushantha M. Weerawardena
Head of Electrical Engineering
Tel: 094 11 225 2233
Fax: 094 11 225 2220
Email: head.ee@airport.lk
Mr. P A A I Panagoda
Deputy Head of Electrical Engineering
Tel: 094 11 226 4502
Fax: 094 11 2252220
Email: dephead.ee@airport.lk
Mr. Jayalath Abeywardena
Head of Finance
Tel: 094 11 225 2746
Fax: 094 11 225 9395 &
094 11 225 2072
Email: head.fin@airport.lk
Mrs. I V Kulatilaka
Acting Deputy Head of Finance
Tel: 094 11 226 3205
Fax: 094 11 225 2401
Email: dephead.fin@airport.lk
Fire & Rescue Services
Head of Fire & Rescue Services
Tel: 094 11 226 4850
Fax: 094 11 225 1647
Email: head.frs@airport.lk
Mr. K P P Ramyasiri
Deputy Head of Fire & Rescue Services
Tel: 094 11 226 4851
Fax: 094 11 225 1647
Email: dephead.frs@airport.lk
Human Resources
Mr. K A R Kodikara
Head of Human Resources
Tel: 094 11 225 1837
Fax: 094 11 225 2116
Email: head.hr@airport.lk
Miss. S D L T Karunaratne
Deputy Head of Human Resources
Tel: 094 11 225 3552
Fax : 094 11 225 2514
Email: dephead.hr@airport.lk
Internal Audit & Quality Assurance
Mrs. M K P Tennege
Head of Internal Audit & Quality Assurance
Tel: 094 11 225 2073
Fax: 094 11 226 0506
Email: head.iaqa@airport.lk
Information Technology
Mr. U. J. Lokuarachchi
Head of Information Technology
Tel: 094 11 226 3649
Fax: 094 11 225 6071
Email: head.it@airport.lk
Mr. Lilan Wijesiriwardane
Deputy Head of Information Technology
Tel: 094 11 226 3652
Fax: 094 11 225 6071
Email: dephead.it@airport.lk
Mrs. Malpethi Ratnasinghe
Head of Legal
Tel: 094 11 226 3132
Fax: 094 11 225 1200
Email: head.l@airport.lk
Marketing and Corporate Communications
DR. Sumith de Silva
Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications
Tel: 094 11 226 4400
Fax: 094 11 225 1995
Email: head.mkt@airport.lk
Mechanical Engineering
Mr. S P Palagama
Head of Mechanical Engineering
Tel: 094 11 225 2216
094 11 226 4600
Fax: 094 11 225 2216
Email: head.me@airport.lk
Mr. J M M C Jayakody
Deputy Head of Mechanical Engineering
Tel: 094 11 226 4608
Email: malaka.me@airport.lk
Mr. A. I. B. Karunaratne
Head of Projects
Tel: 094 11 226 3700
Fax: 094 11 225 2200
Email: head.proj@airport.lk
Mr. J M J K Senevirathne
Deputy Head of Projects
Tel: 094 11 226 3711
Fax: 094 11 225 2500
Email: dphead.proj@airports.lk
Security Services
Major Gen.(Rtd) A P Pallawela RWP RSP
Head of Strategic Security Adviser and Head of Security Services for all International Airports of AASL
Tel: 094 11 226 3800
Fax: 094 11 225 5850
Email: head.sec@airport.lk
Mr. S P Rodrigo
Deputy Head of Security Services
Tel: 094 11 226 3801
Email: dephead.sec@airport.lk
Strategic Management
Mrs. K D Yamuna Chandanie
Head of Strategic Management
Tel: 094 11 226 3480
Fax: 094 11 225 5501
Email: head.sm@airport.lk
Supply Chain Management
Mr. H. P. Lakshman Sirimanna
Head of Supply Chain Management
Tel: 094 11 225 2747
Fax: 094 11 225 2239
Email: head.scm@airport.lk
Mrs. R D R D. Priyadarshani
Deputy Head of Supply Chain Management
Tel: 094 11 225 8947
094 11 226 4102
Fax: 094 11 225 2239
Email: dephead.scm@airport.lk
Safety, Investigations and Special Projects
Wing Cdr. (Rtd.) S M D Wijesooriya
Head of Safety Investigations and Special Projects
Tel: 094 11 226 4900
Email: head.sisp@airport.lk
Regional Airports and Ground Operations
Mr. Aruna Rajapaksha
Head of Regional Airports and Ground Operations
Tel: 094 11 262 3030
Fax: 094 11 263 5711
Email: head.rago@airport.lk
Dr. S. D. A. S. Nishantha
Company Medical Officer
Tel: 094 11 226 3023
Fax: 094 11 225 4983
Email: head.medical@airport.lk
Aeronautical Information Management
Ms. Nishani Cooray
Chief Manager AIM
Tel: 094 11 226 4229
Fax: 094 11 225 9916
Email: manager.aim@airport.lk